Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning (PBL) is implemented across all year levels at Fyans Park Primary School and provides our students with innovative opportunities to engage in authentic, real life learning integrating multiple curriculum areas. Underpinned by driving questions, students explore various concepts, problems and/or social issues, engaging in explicit instruction, research and problem solving through individual and small group learning activities. Each PBL unit culminates in a showcase of student learning. This may involve peers from other year levels, parents and family members as well as the broader community.

Fyans Park strives to ensure our students are active and engaged citizens in the broader community. Past PBL units have involved engagement with volunteers from the Leopold Men’s Shed as well as supporting community groups in our local area and broader Australian communities such as Geelong Mums, Cottage By The Sea, the Salvation Army, Buy a Bale and Drought Angels. Examples of units of work that students engage include:

Prep: ‘Amazing Animals’ – students develop their understanding of the different features of animals and how this relates to their habitat, exploring life cycles and the needs of plants and animals.

Year 1/2: ‘Dash Town’ – students develop skills in coding and computer programming whilst developing their understanding of life skills through healthy living, using money, telling the time, following directions and engaging in the community.

Year 3/4: ‘Global Gaming’ – students explore games of today, comparing them to those of the past, whilst developing skills to understand how cultural practices differ around the world and how games impact on society and social skills.

Year 5/6: ‘Little Big Ideas’ – students research everyday problems that impact on humans, animals or the environment and design an invention to positively impact on society and improve the lives of others.

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